SAVH held a Long Service Awards Ceremony in commemoration of two of our visually handicapped staff, Mr Ronald Tan, 69, and Mr Leow Chee Tsai, 73, retired on 31 December 2020 after decades of dedicated service to the organization.
Mr Ronald Tan has been a Braille Transcriber to SAVH’s Braille Production Center. His passion towards promoting Braille literacy for the betterment of our visually handicapped clients speaks highly of his empathy for the more vulnerable.
Mr Leow Chee Tsai worked at SAVH’s Skills Development Department as a Senior Fundraising and Skills Development Department Manager. His ideals for the empowerment of the visually handicapped are reflected in his initiatives towards developing skills programmes for SAVH’s clients.
Their illustrious commitment to impacting the lives of SAVH’s visually handicapped clients encapsulates the vision of our organization, which is, “Helping the visually handicapped help themselves”. We want to use both Mr Tan and Mr Leow as role models to pave the way forward for SAVH to embody the ideals of not only an organization that stands for the visually handicapped but also one that is of the visually handicapped.