Attending via Zoom

Members who have registered to attend the AGM via Zoom would have received an email with the Zoom link to use to join the AGM. Members can select the “Join webinar” link in the email which will then lead to the next step, which may vary depending on what device they use.

Using Computer

The most likely scenario is that selecting the “Join Webinar” link in the email will open their internet browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, etc) with the option to open Zoom, and once they select that, their Zoom app will be launched and they should wait to be admitted into the AGM session. Once they are admitted into the AGM session, they should select the “Join using computer audio “ option.

Using smartphones

There are two possible scenarios for members using smartphones. Selecting the “Join webinar” link from the email may give rise to a message asking if they would like to open using Zoom, or the link may similarly to the case of computers open the internet browser, from which members can select the Open Zoom option and subsequently confirm to open Zoom. Similarly to the case of computers, members may then be asked to select to join using internet audio in order to hear the proceedings of the AGM.

Note that members should have Zoom installed on their computers or smartphones for the above to work, and if they have Zoom accounts, they should be logged in to the Zoom account that has the same email address as the one through which they receive the Zoom link. Otherwise, members may be directed to a registration page to register for the AGM.

Please also note that the email also contains a series of phone numbers to dial. Members are advised against using these numbers as they are not toll-free. Members who have selected to attend the AGM using Phone-in are being provided with separate sets of toll-free numbers.