Sylvia Chua

Mrs Sylvia Chua has been a volunteer with SAVH since 1992. Her first stint at voluntary work took place during her school days when she helped out as a flag seller.

She started volunteering at SAVH after she got married, had children and worked and traveled for many years.

At SAVH, she has offered her services at various departments such as the Braille Production Unit, the Administration Department and currently, the Library.

At the Braille Production Unit, she helped to prepare materials for embossing. She made drawings which would be reproduced as tactile diagrams for use by Braille users. She also helped to read and edit print material which would be embossed into Braille.

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As a volunteer at the Administration Department, Sylvia typed and filed documents. She also helped to sort and frank mails.

These days, Sylvia sorts and reads print material into audio format for the benefit of visually handicapped clients.

Over the years, she has also volunteered at the Association’s fund raising events as well as on special occasions like the annual White Cane Day when she would call on her friends to help set up and run stalls.

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She has also been involved in the distribution of food rations. She said: “I enjoy helping to distribute food rations to home-bound SAVH clients with some church friends whom I introduced to be volunteers at SAVH”.

When asked about the motivation behind her service at SAVH, Sylvia replied: “I enjoy my volunteer work at SAVH because I find positive people around me. I have benefited much and am grateful to SAVH for allowing me to help. I have also learnt so much about life while volunteering at SAVH. I will gladly continue serving here!”