As part of the build-up for the SAVH Short Story Writing Competition 2017 (Refer another upcoming event for the details), there will be a sharing session by Mr Chong Kwek Bin, who was the winner of the previous two rounds of Short Story Writing Competition.
In this sharing session, Kwek Bin will be sharing his thoughts on good writing, and tips on how to write substantially in terms of both content and length.
The sharing session will be held on Saturday, 17 June 2017, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at the SAVH Conference Room. Interested participants are to register their attendance with Pang Siew Gek at telephone number 6251 4331 ext 181 by 5pm on 15 June 2017. Clients who require a caregiver to assist them in coming to SAVH are welcome to do so. Light refreshments will be provided.