There are 6 positions opened for nomination at this Annual General Meeting: 3 Visually Handicapped members and 3 sighted members. 

At the closure of the nomination on Friday, 13th August 2021 at 4.00pm, a total of 5 nominations comprising 3 Visually Handicapped and 2 sighted members were received and verified by the Honorary Secretary Ms Lyn Loh, member of Nominations sub-committee Mr Victor Zhuang and CEO, Mr Robin Lee.

The VH Nominees are:

  1. Ms Hong Hui Qin (proposed by Mr Tan See Hai, Michael and seconded by Ms Loh Pui Peng, Lyn)
  2. Dr Goh Hock Huan (proposed by Mr Tan See Hai, Michael and seconded by Ms Loh Pui Peng,Lyn)
  3. Mr Chew Hew Jeow, Andrew (proposed by Mr Tan See Hai, Michael  and seconded by Dr Goh Hock Huan)

The sighted nominees are:

  1. Ms Ong Siew Tee, Angela (proposed by Ms Loh Pui Peng, Lyn and seconded by Dr Goh Hock Huan)
  2. Mr Tan See Hai, Michael (proposed by Mansor Ali Khan Abdul Jamal Mohamed and seconded by Ong Geok Hong)