Universal Design (UD), which simply means “design for all”, aims to create an environment that will address the needs of all user groups and people with different needs. To champion Universal Design for a friendly built environment, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) has embarked on several initiatives to spearhead Singapore’s progress towards its adoption.
BCA is conducting a Public Perception Survey on Universal Design, as part of the review of BCA’s Accessibility Master Plan. This survey is intended to gauge the public’s perception on Universal Design in the Built Environment. We would like to seek your opinions and feedback in order to enhance our efforts towards shaping a friendly built environment for all.
How much do you know about UD? Take the survey to find out and stand a chance to win vouchers worth up to $300! The survey is now opened to all till end of April 2018. Click here for the survey.
We thank you for your time and effort taken to participate in this survey. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Serene Peh (BCA) at Tel: 6804 4273 or e-mail to Mr Ang Wei Zhong ANG (BCA) at ANG_Wei_Zhong@bca.gov.sg.