Members’ FAQ for the 69th AGM to be held on 27 August 2022

About the AGM:

1. Will there be a physical AGM this time?
Answer: No. In view of the health and safety of our staff and members, we will not be holding a physical AGM.

2. How do I vote?
Answer: You can cast your vote by filling in the provided proxy form. It’ll be mailed to you after the close of nomination. You may indicate your choice of candidate(s) on the proxy form, which also requires some other relevant information and your signature. There are also electronic alternatives, however it is not completely accessible for screen reader users.

3. What is a proxy form?
Answer: A proxy form is a legal instrument of appointment.
It allows the member to appoint the chairman of the AGM to attend the AGM on his/her behalf, and vote according to the given instructions in the duly completed Proxy form.

4. When will I receive my proxy form?
Answer: Your proxy form will be mailed to your membership registered address after the close of nomination scheduled for 12 noon on 12 August 2022. You should expect to receive it within a few days. We will need some time to customise, prepare and mail out the materials.

5. How do I submit my proxy form?
Answer: There are 3 ways. You may use any one of following:
a) Mail the completed proxy form using the self-addressed envelope that comes with your proxy form.
b) Scan the completed proxy form and email it to the email address:
c) Download, complete and submit the proxy form on the Trusted Services website. Note that this is not completely accessible for screen reader users.

6. Who are Trusted Services, and why are we using them for the AGM?
Answer: Trusted Services is a reputable and recognised company which specialises in providing support for virtual AGMs. They serve as a neutral third party.
The voting process is handled by them so as to minimise voter fraud and ensure fair accounting of proxy voting.
7. Why are we using proxy form voting when SAVH constitution does not allow it?
Answer: Singapore enacted the Covid-19 (Temporary Measures) Act to allow organizations to hold their AGMs amongst other things despite the COVID-19 restrictions. It allow parts of an organization’s constitution to be superseded.
Proxy form voting is a method provided by the Covid-19 (Temporary Measures) act that can be adapted to be accessible for the blind and visually impaired.

8. Why can’t there be braille voting cards like in previous AGMs?
Answer: Braille voting cards cannot be considered as part of a legal instrument of appointment. Only a legal instrument of appointment can be used to give your proxy to the Chairman of the meeting to attend and vote.

9. The Proxy Form used in the last AGM was not accessible for the visually impaired.
Answer: We thank members for the valuable feedback, and will be improving the design of the form and provide stencils to improve accessibility.

10. If I don’t submit the proxy form, can I vote?
Answer: No, the proxy form is the only way to vote in the 69th AGM.

11. If I don’t submit the proxy form, can I attend the AGM?
Answer: Yes, you may still attend the AGM. However, nobody will be able to vote during the AGM proceedings.

12. Must I attend the AGM virtually to vote?
Answer: No. the submission of the proxy form is the only way to vote in the 69th AGM.
13. I cannot complete the proxy form by myself, what should I do?
Answer: We suggest that you approach someone you trust to help you complete the proxy form. Alternatively, you may approach SAVH for assistance to complete and mail out your proxy form. Note that this is subject to Covid-19 restrictions, and by appointment only.

14. How do I fill in the proxy form if I cannot see?
Answer: Visually impaired members will receive a stencil together with your proxy form. The stencil is similar in concept to the ones which were used in the Singapore General and Presidential Elections, and we will provide detailed instructions on how to use it.

15. How do I use the stencil (template) to fill in the proxy form?
Answer: First you have to align the stencil to the form. The stencil will have tactile boxes marking out the available choices and where you can mark your desired vote. The choices will be shown in both print and Braille.

16. Why must the proxy form list my name in full?
Answer: This is to ensure that there is no voter fraud. Moreover, all legal documents require identifying personal information. The proxy form will be asking members to provide their full names and last 4 characters of their NRIC. Please be assured that your vote is secret and only Trusted Services will have access to your completed proxy forms.

17. Who will get to see my completed proxy form?
Answer: Your vote is secret. All proxy forms are received and tabulated by Trusted Services. Furthermore, there will be an external auditor acting as scrutineer for the vote counting process.

18. Where can I find out more about the different candidates?
Answer: Candidates standing for election at the 69th AGM will be asked to provide a short video to introduce themselves, a written election statement and their CV. We will be sending these information together with the proxy forms. Full details will be enclosed with the proxy forms. Candidates who do not provide one or all of these materials will NOT be disqualified.

19. When is the deadline for submitting proxy forms?
Answer: All forms must reach Trusted Services before 12 noon on Friday, 26 August 2022.

20. Why can’t you just hold the AGM at a later date so that you can include the annual report with the notice of AGM?
Answer: The SAVH constitution requires us to hold the AGM by the end of August each year. The organising committee have already delayed the AGM till the last possible Saturday in August.

21. I do not wish to receive the hard copy of the annual report, can this be arranged?
Answer: Yes. Please contact our staff in charge, Mr Kan Teck San, at email or telephone 62514331 extension 101 if you only wish to receive an electronic version of your annual report.

22. How do I know if SAVH has received my proxy form?
Answer: Trusted Services will be receiving all proxy forms. SAVH will not be receiving any forms. Should you electronically submit your form, you will receive an email acknowledgement. If you are sending your proxy form by postal mail, please make sure that you send it out earlier.

23. How do I complete the nomination form if I want to nominate somebody?
Answer: Forms may be completed in print by yourself or with the help of a trusted person.

24. By when must I submit the nomination form?
Answer: You must submit your nomination form no later than 12 noon on 12 August 2022.

25. How do I return the nomination form?
Answer: You can return the nomination form by mail or in person to 47 Toa Payoh Rise, Singapore 298104.
Attending the AGM:

26. Must I register to attend the AGM?
Answer: Yes, you must register to attend the AGM.
Only those who register will be provided with the details to join the virtual AGM.

27. Is submission of the proxy form the same as registration for attendance of the AGM?
Answer: No. Submitting the proxy form is separate from registering to attend the AGM.

28. How do I register to attend the AGM?
Answer: Members who wish to attend the AGM must register through the website provided:

SAVH Registration

29. Can you give me step by step instructions on how to register?
Members may approach the staff in charge of membership matters, Mr Kan Teck San at or phone 62514331 extension 101, to get detailed assistance with registering.

30. What are the different ways I can attend the AGM?
Answer: You can choose to attend the AGM through Zoom or you can use the phone-in function.

31. Will I receive a confirmation for my registration?
Answer: Yes. After registering, you will receive an email to confirm your registration.

32: Why are the details to join the AGM not in the registration confirmation email?
Answer: The Zoom link for the AGM may not be ready at the time of registration for the AGM. Also, the system will check that only members who fully pay their membership fees will be allowed to attend the AGM and will be given the link that will be sent closer to the date of the AGM.

33. I don’t know how to use Zoom; can somebody help me?
Answer: Yes. You may contact the staff in charge of membership matters, Mr Kan Teck San at or phone 62514331 extension 101.
Or staff in charge of IT support for the visually impaired, Mr Desmond Soh, at or phone 62514331 extension 701.

34. Will there be a practice session for members before the AGM?
Answer: Yes. Details of the practice session will be provided at a later date. Members can use this practice session to trial both the Zoom and phone-in methods of attending the AGM.

35. Will there be support if I have trouble logging in to the AGM on the day itself?
Answer: Yes. SAVH staff will be on standby on the day to provide phone support. The Zoom session of the AGM will also be opened 45 minutes before the official start time to give members enough time to log in.

36. Do I need a zoom account to join the AGM?
Answer: No, you do not need a Zoom account to join the AGM.

37. Can I use a normal phone for the phone-in option?
Answer: Yes, you can use a normal phone for the phone-in option.

38. Is the phone-in option toll free?
Answer: Yes, it is toll free.

39. I have a question that I would like answered at the AGM. What do I do?
Answer: You can submit any written questions to the Honorary Secretary, and it must be received no later than 12 August 2022 (Friday) 12 noon.

40. Can members ask questions during the AGM if they have not submitted their written questions to the Honorary Secretary?
Answer: We regret that if members have not submitted their questions prior to the AGM, we will not be able to answer their questions. However, they could direct the questions to the Honorary Secretary at who will address these issues.

41. How will a quorum be decided?
Answer: Under the Covid-19 (Temporary Measures) Act, The quorum is based on the number of duly completed proxy forms received. With a duly completed proxy form, the chairman of the meeting will be empowered to represent the member at the AGM and vote according to his/her instructions indicated in his/her proxy form.

42. How will a tie be decided during the elections?
Answer: According to the SAVH Constitution, when there is a tie resulting from any vote, including during the AGM, the Chairman of the meeting has the casting vote, meaning he or she can decide on any method to obtain the final outcome.

43. If I don’t attend the AGM, how can I find out about who is elected?
Answer: The results of the AGM will be recorded in the minutes of the AGM, which will be circulated to members ahead of the next AGM. The results will also be announced on our SAVH InfoLine, and the SAVH website.

44. There is too much of everything to take in, can I get help?
Answer: Yes, you can contact the staff in charge of membership matters, Mr Kan Teck San, at or phone 62514331 extension 101.
Or staff in charge of IT support for the visually impaired, Mr Desmond Soh, at or phone 62514331 extension 701, and we will go through the material with you to help you pick out what you need to know.